Presbyopia, also known as eyestrain, is the inability to focus on close objects (less than one meter approximately) due to a refractive problem of the eye. Specifically, the problem lies in the tissues of the crystalline lens, which harden and lose elasticity, making it difficult to contract (accommodation) and, as a consequence, to focus on near objects with clarity.
Presbyopia is a natural consequence of the passage of time that affects everyone. It appears around the age of 40, becoming evident after 45 years of age.
Although it is common for accommodation discomfort to begin after the age of 40, 13% of respondents identified symptoms before that age.
Presbyopia without correction
It is curious to note that, despite the fact that 78% of Spaniards know what presbyopia is and are able to identify its characteristics, only one in four has it corrected. Among the reasons given in the survey, the emotional one stands out as a priority. Presbyopia is a symptom of age and suffering from presbyopia makes the passage of time evident. In other words, it makes it obvious to ourselves and others that we are getting older. The evidence of getting older occupies and worries 50% of the population. It is higher among men (67%) than among women.
The second reason for not wearing presbyopia correction glasses is the feeling that they can get by without glasses even though they can’t see as well as they used to. Forty-eight percent of respondents have been pushing away what they can’t read to help their eyes focus for some time. A third reason for not correcting presbyopia is the price of glasses.
Seeing well avoids other problems
When we are aware that we have problems focusing up close, we must accept the arrival of presbyopia as a matter of course. Failure to do so can lead to psychological as well as physical problems. In fact, if the effort of focusing to try to see clearly is constant, headaches, eye redness or visual fatigue can occur, especially at the end of the day. Women, in general, attach more importance to these effects than men.
Presbyopia usually develops until the age of 60 when it stabilizes. The person may notice an improvement in near vision again as the years go by, and have the feeling that he or she no longer needs glasses for near precision activities. This is called “second sight” and one should be very aware if this happens as it is usually the initial symptom of cataract development.
It is evident, and the results of the study make it clear, that regular eye examinations are very necessary. Early detection of any vision problem is the best way to solve it, preventing it from developing and becoming irreversible.
Presbyopia: Symptoms and Treatment
Presbyopia or eyestrain is a vision condition that develops as people age. Presbyopia is the inability to focus up close due to a problem related to the refraction of the eye.
Presbyopia occurs naturally and is a consequence of aging. These age-related changes take place within the lens tissues that cause the lens to harden and lose elasticity. Reduced elasticity makes it difficult for the eye to focus up close. Anyone over the age of 40 can develop presbyopia. The percentage increases with age and affects almost 100% of people over 65 years of age.
Presbyopia symptoms
The first symptoms of decreased visual performance become evident when trying to focus on close objects, especially during reading. It is difficult to read small print. Therefore, it is characteristic of presbyopes to keep the object to be read at a distance away from the body to help the eyes focus.
The loss of focusing ability may be accompanied by headaches, visual fatigue or tiredness when performing an activity that requires close vision. In the face of these symptoms, it is advisable to see a specialist so that, through a visual examination, he/she can detect the causes of the problem and propose the best possible solution.
In general, farsighted people begin to feel the effects of presbyopia a little earlier and nearsighted people a little later.
Treatment for presbyopia
Reading glasses or bifocal contact lenses are prescribed to facilitate correct focusing for people with presbyopia. However, the glasses that offer the best performance are progressive glasses that allow the user to regain perfect vision at all distances. Niznikova sunglasses offers a wide range of personalized progressive lenses, which are perfectly adapted to each user according to his or her lifestyle and vision needs thanks to a continuous work of innovation and professional specialization.
Progressive glasses offer greater comfort by using only one lens for distance and near vision. In addition, the lenses are customized, which means that they are individually manufactured by adapting their geometry to the wearer’s vision habits.
Moreover, the wearer enjoys a full field of vision, minimizing lateral aberrations of the lenses. Progressive glasses facilitate a natural transition that avoids jumps between near and far vision. In short, a comfortable and gradual transition.
Can yoga help your presbyopia?
The so-called ocular yoga is a therapy that consists of performing a series of exercises in order to get all the eye muscles in shape. The eye muscles are directly involved in vision as they allow us to carry out the necessary movements to see at any distance and in all directions.
One of the famous people who performs eye yoga is the musician and former Beatle, Paul McCarney. He explains that he learned about this technique from an instructor when he was in India. He has been practicing it for years and assures that, thanks to it, he has excellent vision and keeps presbyopia at bay.
This therapy was created by an American ophthalmologist (William H. Bates) more than a hundred years ago. He believed that mental and physical stress is the main cause of vision loss. Therefore, the technique focuses on restoring damaged eye function due to unhealthy vision habits.
Proponents of this technique believe that, among other things, it improves visual acuity at far distances in people with varying degrees of myopia.
The Danger of Ocular Yoga
Despite the supposed benefits of eye yoga, ophthalmologists and opticians-optometrists are against it. They claim that the techniques used do not correct refractive defects (nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism) so the patient may spend too much time without a real remedy for his or her problem. An untreated defect can cause faster growth and lead to irreversible problems.
The professionals explain that some of the techniques used can even be dangerous for visual health.
Ocular Exercises
A different thing is the performance of certain visual exercises that are recommended to achieve a rest of the eyes.
Each eyeball has six muscles attached to the sclera (white part of the eye) that allow eye movement. When we use near vision for a long time (something quite common nowadays due to working with computers or using cell phones), we strain the muscles that make the eye adapt to near vision.
This overexertion can cause, in the medium and long term, visual fatigue that manifests itself with blurred vision and eye and head pain.
To avoid eye fatigue, it is advisable to avoid keeping your eyes fixed on a close point for a long period of time. It is necessary to take breaks to look into the distance.
It is also advisable to force blinking when we remember and whenever we feel dry eyes. And, among other things, move your eyes in all directions while they remain closed. These movements will not improve our vision, but they will keep our eyes more rested and our visual health better.